general terms and conditions

To avoid inconviniences among our clients, staff, visitors and the public DAKATMAS ENTERPRISES has drafted and formulated the following general terms and conditions which apply to each and everyone who offer, require / enquire our services regardless of social class, inability, disability, religion, age, gender, tribe, nationality or race.

  1. Anyone who visits our website or comes across any of our vacant advert he / she should not initiate or make any payment transaction either in cash or by electronic means to anyone else other than our accounts. All payments should be made in our awareness, otherwise we shall not be responsible for any complain from whoever, whatsoever.
  2. Details of any vacant advertised by dakatmas enterprises are as provided by the respective management(s), thus any concern regarding this should not be raised to dakatmas enterprises if thought / heard / discovered otherwise.
  3. The details in two (2) above are confined to the vacant number as they appear on our website e.g no. 369, which is always in top (for mobile viewers) or left (first colum for desktop viewers).
  4. The payments reffered to in one (1) above are limited to viewing fee and / or movements / transportation expenses only, if incurred.
  5. When communicating to dakatmas enterprises in regard to movements towards a specified, desired or vacant of choice do not disclose your moves to an untrusted party. With or without disclosing your movements ensure your safety as we shall not be liable or responsible of any form of loss that might be encountered to either party involved, if any might occur.
  6. Letting / renting agreement that might be arrived at, or signed by any of our clients should be between him / them and the respective management(s).
  7. If payment transaction(s) should be done in six (6) above without our involvement, it should be none of our business and if complains arise we shall not be held responsible in any manner, whatsoever.
  8. For those who have partnered with us to offer any service through or for our company, we do not employ on salary basis. We offer commision on the service offered depending on the local oral or written agreement met.
  9. For the landlord / landlady or property management agency or real estate agent or equivalent agency wishing to partner with us in good faith with an aim of mutual financial benefit, click this link view or click this link to download, read, fill and scan our legal agreement then send it back via email address dakatmas1@gmail.com
  10. For dakatmas enterprise not to give any room for benefit of doubt, we have the following as official contacts:
      mobile phone: 0799 758 344 / 0739 758 344
      email: dakatmas1@gmail.com
  11. If you have any doubt on either one of our associates, partners or staff in deliverence of any service, do not hesitate to consult or report to dakatmas enterprises. Concern raised after twenty four (24) hours with no enough evidence will be automatically rejected.
  12. Our terms and conditions are subject to change with or without clients, partners, stakeholders or the public involvement, thus it is your duty to regularly and frequently review our terms and conditions.
  13. The changes reffered to in number ten (12) above will be send to our active and registered clients, partners and stakeholders through their active email addresses.
terms and conditions apply